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Gulliver's Travel
A free adaptation of Jonathan Swift’s novel by Valérie Lesort
Directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
With Emmanuelle Bougerol, Renan Carteaux, Valérie Lesort, Caroline Mounier, Mathieu Perotto, Pauline Tricot, Nicolas Verdier, Eric Verdin
After Jules Verne’s 20.000 leagues under the sea, and The Fly, freely adapted from George Langelaan’s novel and David Cronenberg’s film, Christian Hecq and Valérie Lesort present Gulliver’s Travel, an adaptation of the famous fantasy adventure story by Jonathan Swift.
The only survivor of a shipwreck, Gulliver wakes up on the shore, besieged by tiny creatures who capture him and present him to the Emperor and his wife, the Empress Cachaça. A pacific giant, Gulliver observes the agitation of these people and the versatility of the mighty ones, their taste for power and war. Christian Hecq and Valérie Lesort seize this social and political satire and turn it into a hymn to difference, to the tempo of songs and original music.
The Lilliputians are hybrid marionettes about 50cm tall: half actor, half marionette, little bodies with big heads, burlesque and ridiculous. Only Gulliver will have his human size. Black box, object manipulation and visual inventions, in this bountiful story their universe deploys a wealth of imagination, sublimating its spicy and exhilarating irony.
A free adaptation of Jonathan Swift’s novel by Valérie Lesort
Stage direction Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Stage direction assistant Florimond Plantier
Creation and making of puppets Carole Allemand & Fabienne Touzi dit Terzi
Assisted by Louise Digard and Alexandra Leseur-Lecocq
Set design Audrey Vuong
Costumes Vanessa Sannino
Light design Pascal Laajili
Music Mich Ochowiak and Dominique Bataille
Props Sophie Coeffic and Juliette Nozières
Artistic collaboration Sami Adjali
Makeup creation Hugo Bardin
With Emmanuelle Bougerol, Renan Carteaux, Valérie Lesort, Caroline Mounier, Mathieu Perotto, Pauline Tricot, Nicolas Verdier, Eric Verdin
Production Centre International de Créations Théâtrales / Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Compagnie Point Fixe
Corealisation Athénée Théâtre Louis-Jouvet
Coproduction Les Célestins, Théâtre de Lyon ; Théâtre de Caen ; Espace Jean Legendre – Théâtres de Compiègne ; Théâtre National de Nice ; Théâtre de Saint-Maur ; MA scène nationale – Pays de Montbéliard ; La Coursive, Scène Nationale de La Rochelle ; Bateau Feu – Scène Nationale Dunkerque ; Théâtre de Sartrouville ; Le Grand R, Scène Nationale de La-Roche-sur-Yon ; Théâtre Edwige Feuillère Vesoul
Action financée par la Région Ile-de-France ; Avec le Soutien du Théâtre D. Cardwell, Draveil, du Fonds d'Insertion professionnelle de L’Académie de l’Union - ESPTL, DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine et Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Show for all ages (from 7 years old) / in french
Duration : 1h30
Touring contact
Head of production-touring / Mara Patrie
01 46 07 32 58 /
Touring / Pierre Bousquet
01 70 64 22 40 / pierre.bousquet@bouffesdunord.comm
Contact press
MYRA / Rémi Fort and Valentine Arnaud
01 40 33 79 13 / /